蕭銘雄 副教授

Ming-Hsiung Hsiao / Associate Professor

專長 Expertise


Statistical Analysis and Data Processing (including Multivariate Analysis and SPSS Statistical Software Analysis), Operations Research (including LINDO and LINGO Software Analysis)

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計劃案 Project Proposal

☆產學合作 – 資訊科技公司系統開發模式 – 以收費電視營運為例

教育部 – 新加坡海外實習
產學合作 – 合潤發實業商情管理系統開發
產學合作 – Volando自行車之商業模式與營運策略
教育部 – 獎助大專校院發展區域產學連結績效計畫
國科會 – 運輸與通訊之總體需求分析暨其關聯性之研究-Rotterdam需求系統模式之應用

指導學生競賽 Mentoring Student Competitions

☆全國大專院校ERP實務個案競賽 -【榮獲】 優   勝  陳亮君
☆103 – 2015 erp實習顧問結案競賽 -【榮獲】 第三名 洪淑儀
☆103 – 2015 E化系統創意應用競賽 -【榮獲】 佳    作 蕭惠珍

期刊論文 Journal Article

☆An Aggregate Modelling Approach to Examining the Role of Technology in Operant and Operand Resources for Value Creation
☆Post-purchase behaviour from customer perceived value of mobile payment services
☆Influence of interpersonal competence on behavioral intention in social commerce through customer‑perceived value
☆青少年使用行動社群App 對其自我認同與人際親密能力影響之研究
☆Mobile payment services as a facilitator of value co-creation: A conceptual framework
☆Technology-enabled value co-creation and technology-driven service design: A conceptual framework and research proposition
☆A conceptual framework for technology-enabled and technology dependent user behavior toward device mesh and mesh app
☆Towards an approach for monetary valuation of services: Consumer choices in the multichannel environment ☆Mobile service design thinking for consumer decision-making under multichannel environment ☆制度化壓力下國小導師使用班級網站之行為研究
☆A hedonic analysis of consumer demand for mobile value-added services: A structural equation modelling approach ☆尋找幸福的所在:線上遊戲玩家幸福感及其影響因素之研究 ☆國中生對社群網站Facebook使用動機與隱私設置之關聯性研究

☆Tradeoffs between Time and Monetary Attributes for Consumers Shopping Channel Choices
☆Smart Phone Demand: An Empirical Study on the Relationships between Phone Handset, Internet Access and Mobile Services
☆Structural Equation Modeling for National Travel Demand: An Examination of the Relationships Between Communication Modes
☆Shopping mode choice: Physical store shopping versus e-shopping
☆總體旅運需求分析: 跨國性資料的比較
☆Value of Leisure Time Based on Individuals’ Mode Choice Behavior

研討會論文 Conference Paper

☆e-Banking System and its Staff User Satisfaction: A Case Study on the Core Banking System at Techcombank in Vietnam
☆A Study on Users’ Satisfaction of SPVR Learning Management Software in Vietnam: An Application of Extended IS Success Model

☆企業資源規劃系統之轉換與評估:以高雄市某食品製造業為例☆Suggested approach to estimating the value of services: The hedonic pricing and discrete choice models
☆Consumer Online Shopping Behavior in Vietnam: An Extended Model from the Theory of Planned Behavior
☆Factors Influencing User Satisfaction of e-Banking in Vietnam: A Case Study on Techcombank Core Banking System
☆校園智慧卡整合運輸電子票證之規劃研究:以燕巢大學城為例☆Service Innovation in Higher Education: A Transnational Expansion for Universities in Taiwan
☆Impacts of Information Technology on Logistics Costs in Supply Chain Management in Vietnam
☆Data Stewardship and Flow Management for Data Quality Improvement
☆A pilot study on exploring critical factors for the success of transnational program: A case study on Shu-Te University, Taiwan
☆Assessing the strategy of hybrid group learning to sustain success by applying ISO 9004.
☆Factors Influencing User’s Acceptance of Evaluation Criteria for Youth Union in Vietnam
☆The Impact of Users’ Perceived Threats on ERP System Success
☆The Impact of Perceived Threats on ERP System
☆Factors Influencing Customer Loyalty on i-Cafe Service in Vietnam
☆Consumers’ Behavioral Intention towards Mobile Commerce in Vietnam
☆The Impact of Human Issues on ERP Systems Success: A Case of Taiwanese Company in Vietnam
☆A Study on Knowledge Sharing in Vietnamese Organizations
☆Examining the Factors Associated with Consumer's Trust in the Context of Business-to-Consumer E-Commerce
☆Modeling the Impact of Socioeconomic Development on Aggregate Travel Demand in Taiwan: A Structural Equation Modeling Approach
☆Adoption intention of four E-Commerce activities in Vietnam by extended TAM
☆Examining the Factors Associated with Consumer’s Trust in the Context of Business-to-Consumer E-Commerce
☆Adoption of E-commerce as An Innovation in Vietnam: An Integration of Technology Acceptance Model and Innovation Theory
☆A Study on the Effect of Communication Competence on Knowledge Sharing in Organization – A case for Vietnam
☆An Exploration on the Business Application of Software Agent in Taiwan
☆Modeling Consumer Shopping Mode Choice between Physical Store Shopping and Online Shopping for Estimating the Value of Product Delivery Time
☆The Impact of Software Agent Success on Partnership Quality: An Application of Social Exchange Theory
☆Predicting Aggregate Travel Demands of NATJAN Under the Impact of Telecommunications
☆Long-Term Aggregate Travel Demand Analysis: A Comparison Between NATJAN and NATTWN
☆Travel demand analysis using chronologically cross-national data.
☆Values of Product Delivery Time and Travel Time for Online and Physical Store Shopping Mode Choices