王玉強 助理教授
Yu-Chiang Wang / Assistant Professor
- yuchiang@stu.edu.tw
- 07-6158000#4015
☆Giving and Receiving Constructive Feedback Instructional Program Using Google Meet During the COVID-19 Pandemic
☆ A Literature Review of Major Approaches to Leadership Study in an Organization
☆A Theoretical Framework for Evaluating the Role of IT Applications in a Bank Service Environment
☆ Jean Piaget: Theory of Cognitive Development
☆ The Use of Situational Leadership Theory to Determine the Leadership Styles in Military Setting
☆ 學習態度、學習成效與學習動機間關係之探討-以高雄市成高文理補習班為例
☆ 空軍軍官需求之領導行為調查:以南部某單位中階主官為例
☆ An Interview with an Adult in Mid-Life
☆ On Unethical Use of Computers
☆ Customer Relationship Management and Human Resource Capability in Taiwan
☆ A Proposed Effective Teaching and Learning Program in Using Constructive Feedback
☆ 布魯姆認知領域目標分類觀念的應用:以英文寫作訓練為例
☆ Instructional Design and Learning for ESL Students: An Example of Using Signal Words
☆Theory of Cognitive Development and Its Educational Application to Instruction
☆An Observation of a Baby Boy’s Learning Behaviors
☆ Capability Complementarities on Performance: A Resource-Based Theory Perspective
☆ Using Web-based CALL for English Learning